The Sure Foundation Theological Institute

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NT Communications is a proven stand alone program.  It is the result of years of
 development and testing of in-the-field models of various kinds, in order to enact a
 systematic, structured format of strong certification, permissions, and training that bring
 results.  It is designed to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom (
Mat. 24:14).

A new powerful vehicle that you will control with a private, account. 
 This is a new interactive, automated, online learning environment.
In addition, you will receive approx. 55 video and audio classrooms with e-books.
Once you complete a class, it will load to your launching pad.
This will enable you to access these classes for your review.

Below is a sample of the Directory Wall you will have to communicate with other students.


Below is an overview of the 4 Degrees and documents you will receive.  Includes transcripts.

Attention:  You will have to complete all classes before you receive any Degrees.
Associate Degree in Theology   Graduation
Bachelor Degree in Theology Graduation
Masters Degree in Theology   Graduation
................. Graduation


Mission Statement
The Sure Foundation was established in 1977 with a vision to rapidly equip believers in Christ, who are in a state of strong desire and fire for their call. We were compelled to produce programs that were condensed and highly compressed into the essential core doctrines and truths of the Scriptures and remove the extraneous, non-essential doctrine and dogma of institutional religion. The programs were created to chronologically and sequentially carry the believer on a journey with clear and concise rapidity, that strategically instills a high level of absorption and retention of illuminated truths. We are confident, you will experience a dynamic increase in your vision and foundation of the embodiment of your ministry for the Lord

The Institute is operated by TSF Ecclesiastical and accredited by its academic presbytery. Established 1973, Incorporated 1977 recognized and accepted by many schools, institutions and occupational venues nationally and around the world.

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We are Inter-Denominational
Students are enrolled from multiple different denominations

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Statement of Faith

We believe in, and live by, God the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ,

His Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost
through the Word of God and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified dead and buried.
He descended into Hell and He stripped Satan of his power.
Upon the third day He rose again and ascended into Heaven
where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
We believe in the Holy Ghost, the worldwide body of Christ (His Church), 
the forgiveness of all sins, the resurrection of the dead,  the communion
of the saints, and life everlasting. We believe that through a profession
of faith (trust) in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, 
His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension;
one may become a partaker of their inheritance in Him.

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1.  We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God written by holy men as
they were instructed by God. It is the inherent Word of God (11 Tim 3:16).

2..  We believe that Man was created good and upright, for God said, “Let us
 make man in Our own image, after Our likeness.” But man, voluntarily transgressed
against God, and God has provided man with his only hope of salvation and
redemption which is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God
(Gen. 1:26-31, 3:17, Rom. 5:12-21).

3.  We believe that Jesus came as a man, was born of a virgin, and His father is
God. We believe that Jesus was born without the inherited sin of Adam and,
during his entire life, committed no sin. Jesus was the eternal Father made visible,
apart from whom there is no God
(I Tim. 3:16, John 10:30, Is. 9:6, Luke 2:11, Rev. 1:8).

4.  We believe in the personal salvation of believers through the confession of
sins, recognizing that Jesus Christ is the substitute for our sins, through His shed
blood. It is by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood,
that we become an heir of God (Rom. 10:9,10, 1 John 1:9, Eph. 2:8,9).

5.  We believe that the New Birth is a direct witness of the Spirit and is an inward
confession of Jesus Christ (Rom 8:16). We believe that following salvation through
Jesus Christ you should be commanded by the Lord Jesus.  This
was the last command He left His apostles. “Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy
Ghost.” (Matt. 28:19) Mark 16:16 reads, “He that believeth, and is baptized,
shall be saved...”

6.  We believe in divine healing through faith and that healing is a benefit
of the atonement.

7.  We believe in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and that these gifts are given
throughout the Body of Christ and are in operation today (I Cor. 12).

8.  We believe in the imminent return, second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
for His Church (His bride).

9.  We believe that there is a heaven and a hell. Heaven is a place of eternal
rest for the righteous (those who have accepted Jesus Christ as
atonement for their sins) and hell is a place of eternal damnation for the
unrighteous (those who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior)
(Matt. 28:19, Mark 16:16).

10.  We believe in the millennial reign of Jesus – the revelation of the Lord Jesus
Christ from heaven, and the millennial reign of Christ and His followers on earth
(11 Thes. 1:7, Rom. 11:26,27, Rev. 20:1-7).

11.  We believe in the Great Commission – to minister God’s saving grace and to
reach out to the poor and lost in spirit (Mark 16:15). And foremost, to honor and
obey God’s command, “take the gospel into all the world.”